Training and Support for the New YOS/COS Outcomes Report


December, 2020

The YOS/COS Infographic Replacement Report project team understands that it is not enough to simply create a new and improved outcomes report and release it on its own to the BBBS network. In order for a new report to fully meet the needs of the network, BBBS staff need to be trained on how to navigate and interpret it. To this end, when the new outcomes report is released early next year, it will be accompanied by a complete set of new training and support materials.

The heart of the training materials for the new outcomes report will be two videos. The first of these videos will focus on teaching users the mechanics of how to use the new report. Such things as how to set report filters and navigate between report tabs will be covered in this video. The second video will focus on the basic statistical concepts required to appropriately understand the data presented in the new report. Such things as average and index scores as well as effect size and statistically significant level of change will be covered in this video. Both the report mechanics video and the statistical concepts video will be available to users when the new report is released early next year.

    In order for a new report to fully meet the needs of the network, BBBS staff need to be trained on how to navigate and interpret it

    In addition to the two videos described above, a written manual will be released to users that provides in-depth explanations of how the data presented for each question set (construct) on the new report is calculated. This manual will tell users how the score for each construct is calculated, how many questions in the construct need to be answered for a score to be calculated, and how the construct relates to question sets on previous versions of the YOS and COS. The written version of this manual will be available to users at go-live of the new report. Video versions of the construct specific information presented in the written manual will be released on a rolling basis over the months following the new report’s release.

    The recorded and written training materials described above will be supplemented at the new report’s go-live with live office hour sessions. These office hour sessions will be staffed by members of the National Office’s Program, Research, and IT teams and will provide an avenue for users of the new report to ask and receive answers to any questions they might have about the new report. Look for a schedule of office hour sessions to be released closer to the go-live of the new report.

    As you can see, the new YOS/COS outcomes report will not be released to the BBBS network on its own. It will be accompanied by numerous new training and support resources to make it easy for users to quickly get up-to-speed on how to use, read, and interpret the new report!


    If you have any questions about the YOS/COS Infographic Replacement Project, please email the project team by clicking here. We will get back to you as soon as possible.