The YOS and COS Redesign Remains on Plan


June, 2020

The YOS/COS redesign team has been hard at work over the past few months finalizing revisions to the surveys and planning communications and training for the rollout of the new YOS and COS this summer. Here is an update on the progress of this initiative.

Draft versions of the revised YOS and COS were published to the BBBS network in late March. All BBBS staff were requested to provide feedback on these draft surveys, and the YOS/COS redesign team spent most of April collecting and analyzing this feedback and determining what additional changes should be made to the YOS and COS.

At the same time feedback was being gathered on the draft YOS and COS, the project team also started the planning process for training on the redesigned surveys. This resulted in a robust training plan that will be published to the BBBS network in the coming weeks.

Around the start of May, the project team turned its attention to drafting the final versions of the redesigned YOS and COS. The revisions made during this editing cycle were 100% driven by the feedback the team received from the BBBS network on the draft surveys. This final revision cycle is just about complete and the redesigned YOS and COS will be revealed around the end of July.

    The Revisions Made During the Editing of the YOS and COS Were 100% Driven by BBBS Network Responses to the Draft Surveys

    Now that you know the status of the YOS/COS Redesign Project, here is a bit of information about what you can expect to see over the three months.

    Communication about the project is going to dramatically speed up in the next three months as we prepare to go live with the new surveys around the end of August. You should expect to see at least one formal communication per week from the project team over the next three months. These communications will cover everything from what training will look like to inside looks into how BBBSA and BBBS affiliates use the data from the YOS and COS for fundraising, grant appeals, and marketing.

    As was mentioned above, the reveal of the new YOS and COS will occur around the end of July. This will be quickly followed by training on the new surveys in August and go-live of the redesigned YOS and COS in Matchforce around the end of August.

    Please keep an eye on the project website, Network News, and Facebook Workplace for more information on this project. If you have any questions about the YOS and COS redesign effort, please click here to email the project team. We will get back you as soon as possible.