YOS/COS Training Overview


July, 2020

In addition to redesigning the content of the BBBS outcome surveys, the YOS/COS redesign team has developed an extensive new survey training program. Let’s take a look at what this new training program will look like and when it will be available.

The new YOS/COS training program is organized into five training modules. Each module provides assorted training materials targeted at a specific aspect of the YOS and COS and their administration. The five training modules that make up the new YOS/COS training curriculum are as follows:

  • The Survey Instrument: This training module covers the design of the YOS and COS. The core of this module, the YOS/COS Basics video, will be available when the redesigned YOS and COS are revealed next week (August 5, 2020). This video covers what the YOS and COS measure, the basics of how and when to administer the surveys, and why the surveys are important. Additional training components covering the history and developmental testing of the YOS and COS will be added to this training module in the fall/winter of 2020.
  • Survey Administration: This training module provides detailed information and strategies on how to administer the YOS and COS to Littles. This training module will be available by August 14, 2020.
  • Surveys 101: This training module covers the basics of general survey design. It explains how the design of surveys impacts the reliability and validity of survey results. This training module is intended for the advanced YOS/COS administrator or BBBS agency leader who is curious about the why the YOS and COS are designed the way they are. This training module will be available in the fall/winter of 2020.
  • Data Interpretation and Reporting: This training module covers how to interpret the results of the YOS/COS and use the data provided by these surveys to tell your BBBS agency’s story for reporting, marketing, and fundraising purposes. This training module will be available in the fall/winter of 2020 and will accompany the release of the redesigned YOS/COS Infographic report.
  • Purpose and Background: This training module is intended to be a basic introduction to the YOS and COS for staff who are being introduced to the surveys for the first time. It covers material such as the history of the YOS and COS at BBBS, the importance of measuring outcomes, and the power of shared outcomes data. This training module will be available in fall/winter of 2020.

The timing of the release of the new YOS/COS training modules is intended to provide agency staff members with the information and skills they need to be immediately effective administering the new surveys (via the Basics video and Survey Administration training module – both available before go-live of the new surveys on August 31, 2020) as well as support staff’s ability to grow their understanding of survey topics over time (via the subsequent release of more advanced training modules).

As you can see, the YOS/COS Redesign Project is about more than just redesigning the content of the BBBS outcome surveys. It also entails the development of a robust training program to ensure BBBS staff members are fully supported in the administration and interpretation of the surveys.

The YOS/COS redesign team looks forward to revealing the redesigned outcome surveys to you next week!


If you have any questions about the redesign of the YOS and COS, please email the project team by clicking here. We will get back to you as soon as possible.