User Acceptance Testing of the New Outcomes Report is Complete


December, 2020

Formal user acceptance testing of the YOS/COS Infographic replacement report was completed on November 20, 2020. Completion of user acceptance testing caps a four-month development cycle for the new outcomes report and marks a significant milestone in the YOS/COS Infographic Replacement Report project.

A total of 24 BBBS staff members participated in user acceptance testing of the new outcomes report. Twenty-one of the testers were from BBBS agencies. The additional three testers were from the BBBS National Office. All Agency Affinity Groups and agency sizes were represented in testing.

    All told, approximately 250 – 300 staff hours were dedicated to testing the new report

    Testing of the new outcomes report took place over a period of time of seven workdays starting on November 10, 2020 and ending on November 20, 2020. On the first day of testing, testers received formal training on the new report from those who developed it. Actual testing of the new report started on the second day of the testing period and was conducted over four three-hour testing sessions. All told, approximately 250 – 300 staff hours were dedicated to testing the new report.

    Testing the new report was not easy for the testers! It involved extensive manual data collection and verification as well as a healthy dose of spreadsheet assisted statistical analysis and mathematics. Testers analyzed all aspects of the new report and discovered many ways the report could be improved. Several of the testers’ recommendations have already been implemented in the new report and many more will be implemented before the report goes live in early 2021.

    With user acceptance testing complete and the final version of the new outcomes report being developed, the YOS/COS Infographic Replacement Report project team will now turn its attention to developing an extensive set of training resources to help BBBS staff learn how to fully utilize the new report. These training resources will be described in detail in a future article.

    Future articles will also detail the testing experiences of those who participated in user acceptance testing of the YOS/COS Infographic replacement report. Through interviews with the testers themselves, we will let you know exactly what the testers like about the new report as well as what they found to be areas for future improvements and enhancements. For now, we would just like to thank everyone who participated in user acceptance testing. Your work took an already well-developed report and made it into a truly fantastic tool that dramatically increases BBBS’s outcome reporting capabilities. We deeply appreciate your efforts!


    If you have any questions about the YOS/COS Infographic Replacement Project, please email the project team by clicking here. We will get back to you as soon as possible.