Post-User Acceptance Testing Survey Results


December, 2020

Formal user acceptance testing of the new YOS/COS outcomes report was completed on November 20, 2020. Following the completion of user acceptance testing, all agency and National Office staff who participated in testing were asked to complete a brief survey about the new outcomes report and their experience testing it. Here are the results of this survey.

Project Objectives

At the start of the YOS/COS Infographic Replacement Project, the project team set the following three goals for the project:

  • Replace the existing Infographic with a report that accurately represents the current versions of the YOS and COS
  • Replace the existing Infographic with a report that more completely reports all outcomes measured by the YOS and COS
  • Replace the existing Infographic with a report that is more intuitive to understand than the existing Infographic

Survey participants were asked to score on a scale of 1 – 10 (1 = Did not achieve at all, 10 = Completely achieved) how well they believed the new outcomes report achieved each of these project goals. On average, survey respondents scored the achievement of the first project goal at 9.4. Achievement of the second and third project goals were similarly scored at 9.4 and 8.9, respectively. These scores indicate survey respondents strongly believe the new YOS/COS outcomes report achieves the goals set for it at the beginning of the project.

    “I was blown away by what was available to me and how I could drill down to find what I wanted.”

    Thoroughness of Testing

    Survey respondents were asked to score the overall thoroughness of testing of the new outcomes report on a scale of 1 – 10 (1 = Not very thoroughly, 10 = Very thoroughly). The average response to this question was 8.8, indicating that survey respondents are confident that the new YOS/COS outcomes report has been thoroughly tested. In association with this questions, one survey respondent wrote, “The testing design looked at many element variations such as newer vs older matches, program variations, kids who were re-matched, etc. The testing was very thorough.” Another respondent noted the variation in the size of BBBS agencies testing the new report – writing, “It was good to know and see the different sized agencies testing the report.”

    The New Report vs. the Current Infographic

    One of the final questions on the survey asked respondents to score the new YOS/COS outcomes report on a scale of 1 – 10 (1 = Much worse, 10 = Much better) as compared to the existing Infographic. The average score for this question was 9.4, indicating the survey respondents strongly believe the new YOS/COS outcomes report is “much better” than the existing Infographic. As one survey respondent wrote, “…I was blown away by what was available to me and how I could drill down to find what I wanted. I will now have access to data that I didn’t before and I will be able to use it so much more – and better – than I ever have been able to.”


    The new YOS/COS outcomes report will be released to the BBBS network in early 2021. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the YOS/COS Infographic Replacement Project, please email the project team by clicking here. We will get back to you as soon as possible.