YOS/COS Infographic Replacement Project
Big Brothers Big SistersProject News
The YOS/COS Infographic Replacement Report is Now Live!
The Youth and Child Outcomes Survey Report is Live! Here is the information you need to access and become familiar with this new reporting tool.
What to Expect When the New Outcomes Report Goes Live
The Youth and Child Outcomes Survey Report goes live on Monday, March 1st! This new report is substantially different than the YOS/COS Infographic it replaces. Here is a summary of what to expect when the new report goes live.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Release of Infographic Replacement Report Delayed One Month
Release of the Infographic replacement report has been delayed from February 1st to March 1st. This action is being taken to allow adequate time for the changes incorporated in the new report to be appropriately communicated to the BBBS network. Click here the read more.
Project Overview
The time is right for a change
The Big Brothers Big Sisters network began using new versions of the Child Outcomes Survey (COS) and Youth Outcomes Survey (YOS) on August 31, 2020. The switch to these new surveys brought with it a need to revise the primary reporting tool for the surveys’ results – the YOS/COS Infographic.
At minimum, the change to using the new versions of the COS and YOS requires the YOS/COS Infographic to be revised to reflect the new questions and response sets in the revised surveys.
However, there are several known shortcomings with the existing Infographic. For example, it only reports on a handful of the question sets that make up the COS and YOS. And it can be very difficult for an untrained user to properly interpret.
The coupling of the immediate need to revise the existing Infographic with the report’s known shortcomings makes now the right time to develop and implement a new COS and YOS reporting tool.
The new YOS/COS reporting tool will go live in the first quarter of calendar year 2021
project objectives
The current YOS/COS Infographic only presents data on a handful of the question sets asked in the surveys. The new reporting tool will report data on all question sets, allowing BBBS agencies to easily access all of the information collected by the new YOS and COS.
In order to get a complete and accurate understanding of survey results using the current Infographic, BBBS staff must analyze and combine data elements from different parts of the report. This makes understanding the current Infographic difficult for untrained staff. The new reporting tool aims to be much more intuitive to understand.
Up to Date
The results presented on the current Infographic are based on some pretty serious behind the scenes statistics. The historical values used in these statistics need to be occasionally updated to remain accurate. The new reporting tool will be based on the most up to date recalculations of these values, ensuring the presented results are as accurate as possible.
We know how important the data from the YOS and COS is to agency operations. And we know agencies will need some time to transition to a new reporting tool. So the current Infographic is also being updated to work with the new surveys. The existing YOS/COS Infographic will remain operational for approximately six months after the new reporting tool goes into service, allowing agencies to transition to the new tool on the timeline that is right for them.
project timeline
Build New Reporting Tool
Test New Reporting Tool
Create Training Materials
BBBS Network Training
Learn More
If you have any questions about the COS/YOS Infographic Replacement Project, please use the form below to contact the project team. We will get back you as soon as possible.
Contact the Project Team