Draft YOS and COS are Ready for Review!


March, 2020

Draft versions of the redesigned YOS and COS are now available and ready for review. Two versions of each document are available. The clean versions of each survey appear just as they would for Littles taking the survey. The track changes versions show exactly what changes were made from the previous versions of the surveys. A document summarizing the changes made to the YOS and COS is also available. You can access these documents by clicking on the links below.

Draft YOS – Clean

Draft COS – Clean

Draft YOS – Track Changes

Draft COS – Track Changes

Summary of Changes Document

Once you have reviewed the revised surveys, you are encouraged to let the redesign team know your thoughts by completing a survey at the following link. This survey should only take about 15-20 minutes to take and is the last formal opportunity to provide feedback on the surveys before they are finalized. All staff are encouraged to complete the survey and provide feedback. You can access the survey by clicking here.

If you have any questions about the YOS and COS Redesign Project, you can click here to send the project team a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.